News & Features

University of Toronto President Meric Gertler appointed to second term

University of Toronto President Meric Gertler appointed to second term  

WannaCry: what U of T community should know about the malware attack

WannaCry: what U of T community should know about the malware attack  

Alum wins national leadership award for software adapting teaching to the 21st century

As a researcher and aspiring educator, Aakriti Kapoor (BSc, 2016) has focused on education tools to help students navigate the digital world. “For me, in the 21st century, leadership is about making…

U of T Scarborough professor questions WHO Director-General candidates in column for PlosBlogs

National elections aren’t the only ones that matter. The World Health Assembly is poised to elect the next Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) as China’s Dr. Margaret Chan…

Clinical psychologist receives award for new study on patients with borderline personality disorder

A study looking at treatment outcomes for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) has landed a U of T Scarborough clinical psychologist and neuroscientist a prestigious award. …

This parasitic fly’s incredible hearing remains a curiosity to those trying to develop better hearing aids

Ormia ochracea’s sense of directional hearing is second to none in the animal kingdom. But, according to new University of Toronto Scarborough research, what makes its hearing so incredible may also…

Clinical Psychology student ranks third in her category for national graduate scholarship

Receiving an award from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is an honour, but for an application to be ranked third in its category across the country takes the honour to…

Over $1 million made by student startups out of The Hub

Student startups launched from The Hub, the entrepreneurial incubator at U of T Scarborough, have made over $1.1 million in combined revenues over the past two years. “When I totaled (revenues) up…

Biology class uses Wikipedia to address gender gaps in science

“Don’t use Wikipedia” is a common phrase in education, but a biology course at the University of Toronto Scarborough has found a way to use it for an important reason. A new assignment had students…

The economics of entrepreneurship

On May 25 the University of Toronto Scarborough will host a conference exploring a crucial factor in any modern economy – the role of entrepreneurship. Since entrepreneurs are important drivers for…

Two students from Ghana on full scholarship say cultural exchange is important

For Rita Sedem Yaa Goka and Gloria Sackey-Bobson, a full scholarship to pursue a Master of Environmental Science at U of T Scarborough was a dream come true. “I was super excited to settle down…

What the snowshoe hare can tell us about the long-term consequences of stress

Canadian Lynx, fox, coyote and various birds prey on them, while red squirrels and Arctic ground squirrels even kill their babies. Pretty much everything in the boreal forest is trying to eat a…