Faculty Complement Committee

Request for Academic Searches to be undertaken in 2023-24

1st draft review by Vice-Dean Faculty Affairs, Equity & Success ‘without prejudice’ must submit by 5pm on 13 December 2022

Final proposal due by 5pm on 17 February 2023
Section 1: Appointment Details - Complete a separate form for each requested position.
(example: 3/5)
(example: 60% FTE)
(humanities, sciences, social sciences, management)
Section 2: Proposed Funding for the Position (cannot be left blank)
Please indicate what sources of funding may support this position. Select applicable funding source and provide details if necessary (e.g., name of the Chair/Professorship)
Funding source:
Section 3: Space, Research Funding, and Infrastructure (cannot be left blank)
Please indicate the space and facilities (office, studio, laboratory, etc.) that are anticipated to be available for this appointment. Please note that office and laboratory space is extremely limited, and it will not be possible to fill positions until suitable space for an appointment has been confirmed.

Section 4: Academic Priorities, Challenges and/or Opportunities
Please indicate the strategic justification for the appointment. In the narrative, elaborate that justification by referring to the strategic factors that will shape your unit’s academic planning over the next five years. Consider, for example, fit with program integrity and quality, established or emerging areas of research. Consider institutional initiatives including the umbrella institute of GTA-RISE and its constituent research institutes; educational access; the Scarborough Academy of Medicine and Integrated Health; and the overall commitment to the enhancement of scholarship (see: Inspiring Inclusive Excellence).

You may support your discussion with data, including results of a self-study or UTQAP review. Please attach this document in the Appendix section on this form.
Strategic justification(s) for appointment at rank, in stream, and in area of expertise, relative to:
Section 5: Research & Creative Practice
As applicable, comment on program’s/department’s strategic scholarly priorities over the next 5 years; established and/or emerging strengths; fit with research priorities of Inspiring Inclusive Excellence and UofT Institutional Strategic Research Plan.
Section 6: Teaching
Comment on, for example, enrolment trends, demand and strategic enrolment plans, Working Circle curriculum review, recent self-study and external review, undergraduate and graduate education priorities of Inspiring Inclusive Excellence, fit with UofT Three Priorities, and operational and fiscal efficiencies.
Section 7: Joint appointment (within U of T Scarbrough or with another division/faculty/external partner)
Provide evidence of their support and rationale for the joint appointment if there is no support from the collaborating partner. Describe how the joint appointment will be established.
Section 8: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Does this position have the potential to address specific diversity gaps in the department/program? (Provide evidence in support of response)
Appendix (maximum 4 pages)
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.