Academic Integrity Overview

The University of Toronto Scarborough is a member of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) and as such, adheres to ICAI’s definition of academic integrity, which is dedicated to six specific fundamental values:

            “honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage”

As a member of the University of Toronto community, we must all do our part to maintain the respect and recognition of our academic institution. As such, it is everyone’s responsibility to understand the rules and regulations of the university, including the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.

The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters protects academic integrity at the University. Descriptions and examples of academic offences sanctioned under the Code can be found at The Code in Brief.

For more infromation on Academic Integrity Dos and Don'ts, visit the Dos and Don'ts page.

Who We Are

The Academic Integrity team within the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean (OVPD) promotes the ICAI’s six fundamental values by advising students, instructors, and staff on matters related to academic integrity and academic misconduct. Our team is also responsible for administering the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters by resolving academic integrity cases brought forth by academic department Chairs and other university officials.

Academic Integrity Office Logo

The Academic Integrity Office (AIO) offers resources and workshops for departments, offices and student groups to learn more about academic integrity at the University of Toronto. Along with raising awareness around policies and trends, our team works to educate and foster a positive academic culture centered around accountability, honesty and integrity. 

Our team comprises of: 

  • Academic Integrity Assistants, available to answer general inquiries and support case management; 
  • Student Conduct & Academic Integrity Officer, available to support complex case management related to student conduct and academic integrity matters; 
  • Dean's Designates, who represent the Dean and are assigned to individual cases for investigation, follow-up and resolution.
                                    Questions?  Contact the Academic Integrity Team:
Follow us on Instagram: @UTSCAcademicIntegrity