Neil A. Rector, PhD, C.Psych

Neil A. Rector, PhD, C.Psych


Neil A. Rector is a clinical psychologist whose program of research focuses on the efficacy and mechanisms of action of cognitive behavioural therapy for the anxiety disorders, OCD and Related Conditions, and mood disorders. Current areas of investigation include: 1) the impact of CBT alone and in combination with physical exercise on the symptoms and cognitive vulnerabilities associated with OCD and depression, 2) the role of genetic vulnerabilities moderating symptom and cognitive change in response to CBT, and 3) prospective research examining the integrative genetic, cognitive, and psychological risk for OCD, anxiety and mood disorders. Dr. Rector is also the Director of the Mood and Anxiety Treatment and Research Program and the Director of Research for the Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto.
