News & Features

Invasive Species Awareness Day 2018: What you need to know

Our local ecosystem is teeming with invasive species. In fact, many of Ontario’s most common species are non-native, brought here by accident or on purpose.   Plants in the fields, fish in…

Unique project aims to build empathy by sharing personal stories

For Mitch Robert George, also known as Red Pine Spirit Man of the Turtle Clan, community is a source of healing. At the recent Hart House Human Library Project, he shared parts of his story in hopes…

Funding for green projects will improve energy efficiency in the Andrews Building

U of T Scarborough is getting a financial boost to make the heating and cooling system in the Andrews Building more energy efficient, helping to cut campus greenhouse gas emissions in the process.…

Mosaic brings together many different cultures in one big celebration of song and dance

When Janki Thakar was just three years old growing up in Gujarat, India, she would go to her local park to watch dancers practice their routines. She would sit transfixed watching the dancers, hoping…

Minister Hunter encourages students to be part of the political change they want to see

Student involvement, transit and international student tuition fees were just some of the topics covered at a recent student town hall with Minister Mitzie Hunter. “This is the second town hall that…

Finding the women playwrights

A database - funded in part by U of T Scarborough - helps schools and theatre companies find and produce more plays written by women.  A 2016 survey of post-secondary theatre productions across…

Dance app developed by U of T Scarborough grads draws major league attention

An app created by two recent U of T Scarborough alumni continues to make big moves in the dance world. StageKeep is an online app that records movement and creates a digital copy that can be shared…

Cookbook collection at U of T Scarborough highlights local and international recipes

Looking to try out a new recipe after school? Thanks to a new UTSC Library collection, you’re in luck. A collection of cookbooks is now available for experimenting in the U of T Scarborough library,…

From Their Lips tells the stories of elders in the Black Canadian community

A familiar narrative in Canada is that racism is less of an issue here than it is in the United States - where racism and racial tensions have historical roots that continue to impact American…

'We need change': Calls for action after verdict in Tina Fontaine death

After Raymond Cormier was acquitted in the murder of Indigenous teenager Tina Fontaine, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Grand Chief Sheila North said, “the systems, everything that was involved…

Lion dance kicks off Lunar New Year at U of T Scarborough

Martial artists, lion dancers and students alike gathered on Thursday, Feb 15. at the U of T Scarborough Meeting Place to ring in the Lunar New Year. Observed across China, the Korean peninsula, and…