News & Features

Prime Minister Trudeau encourages young girls to pursue STEM studies at U of T Scarborough conference

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau encouraged a group of Grade 9 girls to let nothing stand in their way of pursuing studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). “Girls can do…

You don’t have to be an English student to be a writer

The creative writing club at the University of Toronto Scarborough – also known as COW – is a gem for more than just English students. “Beyond anything they might learn about writing, COW is about…

South Korea's LG Electronics meets with U of T researchers to explore collaboration opportunities

One of South Korea’s biggest companies is exploring innovation-related collaboration opportunities with the University of Toronto, the latest in a long line of multinationals to be drawn to U of T’s…

U of T ranks among top five public universities for global employability: Times Higher Education

Even before graduation, Julianna Paprakis had her pick of job offers – enough, in fact, to say no to Google. The University of Toronto computer science graduate’s success on the job…

Short film by recent U of T Scarborough grad to debut at upcoming international film festival

The unique experiences of a Chinese-Canadian mother raising her family in small Ontario town is the focus of Rebecca Hong’s debut short film at the upcoming Toronto Reel Asian International Film…

Community engagement is what recent grad cherishes most about undergraduate experiences

For recent graduate Gary Wilson, the connections he’s made at the University of Toronto Scarborough are what made his undergraduate studies the most memorable. “The diverse and amicable community…

Indigenous Film Series at U of T Scarborough offers opportunity for dialogue

U of T Scarborough is hosting a film series exploring Indigenous issues that are often overlooked by mainstream media. “We see this film series as on opportunity and platform for students and…

Murray Sinclair, chair of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, receives honorary degree

Senator Murray Sinclair, the former chief commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, will be awarded an honorary degree from U of T Scarborough today for his outstanding…

It was another fruitful year for the IC rooftop garden

Perched five floors above the corner of Military Trail and Ellesmere is a garden growing in the sky. And while it doesn’t quite reach the clouds, its goal of creating a peaceful oasis for…

Renovated quad a different way of thinking about public space on campus

“When I first got here, I was encouraged to look around at open spaces in a new way,” says U of T Scarborough Campus Architect Jennifer Adams Peffer. Adams Peffer immediately saw the opportunity in…

U of T Scarborough alumni shortlisted for Toronto Board of Trade awards

Six U of T Scarborough alumni have been short listed for the Toronto Board of Trade Annual Business Excellence Awards, celebrating small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals who demonstrate…

How an unforgettable experience changed this U of T Scarborough alum’s view on city planning

U of T Scarborough alum Da Chen thought he knew how he wanted to focus his future graduate studies at the University of Toronto. But after a summer of work in Northern Canada and Chile, Chen (BA,…