Quieting and Reclamation project RAs attend annual get together

Former and current research assistants from the Quieting and Reclamation project
Pictured, from left to right: Jyael Lalic; Charlotte De Sousa; Caeley Genereux; Prof. Patricia Landolt; Haven Townsend; Farzana Rahman; Paul Pritchard (Research Coordinator); Shanice Burton; Maryam Habib Khan 

Research Assistants for the Quieting and Reclamation project attended their annual get together recently. 

Each year current and former research assistants and work study students who have taken part in the Quieting and Reclamation (QnR) project meet to catch up, share their experiences and talk about their future plans.

QnR is a collaborative research project led by Sociology Professors Patricia Landolt and Joe Hermer that brings to light the conflictual relationship between settler landholding and Indigenous sovereignty. The project uses Story Mapping to build a digital public history of the UTSC campus utilising contemporary and historical materials from public and private archives. 

To read more about the QnR project, click here.