News & Features

The European dis-Union

The sovereign debt crisis in the European Union raises a fundamental question, one that Europe and the rest of the world will be debating for months and possibly years to come: What would the cost of…

The Andrews Building

The Andrews Building, designed by renowned Australian architect John Andrews, attracted worldwide attention when it opened to students in 1966. Now known as the Science and Humanities Wings, the…

Cultural showcase

UTSC students hail from a variety of cultural backgrounds, and their unique perspectives, experiences and talents are showcased every year during the highly anticipated student-run event Mosaic. If…

The divine secrets of emotional intelligence

No one would deny that Dr. Steven Stein (BSc, 1972) is a very intelligent man. A clinical psychologist, the CEO of a very profitable company and an expert on psychological assessment, Stein is also a…


Louis Archambault (1915–2003) created A Tall Couple, the bronze sculpture nestled in the perennial gardens by UTSC’s H-wing patio. Commissioned for Expo 67 in Montreal, the work was later…

Trees 'remember' where they come from

Genetically identical trees respond differently to their environment depending on what part of the country they come from. The surprising finding could have implications for gardeners and foresters,…

Take home: 10 ways to improve your emotional intelligence

UTSC alumnus Dr. Steven Stein (BSc, 1972) is a clinical psychologist and an expert on emotional intelligence, or EQ. According to Stein, being aware of and in control of your emotions are key to…

Scholarship for mature students announced

Heather Lynn Benson (HBSc 1998) has established a $40,000 scholarship fund for mature students.  “I thought it would be worthwhile,” says Benson, noting that there had been no scholarship…

Dan Lang Field

U of T President David Naylor renamed the UTSC baseball diamond the “Dan Lang Field,” in honour of Professor Dan Lang, who coached the Varsity Blues for 13 seasons, leading them to two Ontario…

First Watts Lecture

In 1970 former Prime Minister of Canada Lester B. Pearson gave the inaugural F. B. Watts Memorial Lecture at UTSC. In honour of Fred Watts, a geography professor and founding member of UTSC who…

An educational journey

Professor Nick Eyles often takes UTSC students on their own geologic journeys. He recently returned from accompanying students on a field trip to Iceland, and he’s also taken groups to Costa Rica,…

Keynote: Fall 2011

Today, thanks to new technologies and the digital communications revolution, educational experiences and information are available to anyone with an Internet connection and a computer or mobile…