Jonathan Abbatt

Jonathan Abbatt
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Research Interests

Our group consists of analytical, environmental and physical chemists using state-of-the-art instrumentation to study the chemistry of processes involved in environmental change, both on global and on local scales. Emphasis is placed upon understanding these chemical phenomena at a molecular level so that laboratory results can be reliably incorporated into environmental models. Current projects are related to: chemistry of the indoor environment, Arctic chemistry and connections to global warming, the role that aerosol particles play in the chemistry of the atmosphere. More details are given at our research group website.


Formation of Gas-Phase Hydrogen Peroxide via Multiphase Ozonolysis of Unsaturated Lipids Zilin Zhou and Jonathan P. D. Abbatt. Environmental Science & Technology Letters

Ice Nucleation Ability of Tree Pollen Altered by Atmospheric ProcessingEllen Gute et al. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

Reactive Uptake of Ozone to Simulated Seawater: Evidence for Iodide DepletionStephanie R. Schneider et al. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Chemical Composition, Spatial Homogeneity, and Growth of Indoor Surface FilmsChristopher Y. Lim and Jonathan P. D. Abbatt. Environmental Science & Technology

Heterogeneous Ozonolysis of Tetrahydrocannabinol: Implications for Thirdhand Cannabis SmokeAaron D. L. Wylie and Jonathan P. D. Abbatt. Environmental Science & Technology

Read American Chemical Society PressPac 

Cooking, Bleach Cleaning, and Air Conditioning Strongly Impact Levels of HONO in a HouseChen Wang et al. Environmental Science & Technology