Work Term Excellence Award: Melody Chan

Portrait of Melody Chan

“Never underestimate the impact of any opportunity.”

– Melody Chan, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA Co-op) graduate, University of Toronto Scarborough
Congratulations to Melody, recipient of a Management Co-op Work Term Excellence Award for her contributions at BMO in Winter 2023!
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How did you get hired at BMO, and what were your key learnings?

I had applied to BMO for a Social Media Coordinator role in a previous year, then when the opening for Marketing Coordinator came up, the BMO recruitment team contacted me based on the candidate profile I had created. Everything unfolded like a story! It’s essential to always put effort into preparing any application, as success may come later. 

From Manisha, my manager on the Everyday Lifecycle Banking team, I learned how to strengthen my time management and lead collaborative projects—essential transferrable skills to maximize efficiency when working in a large organization. As interns we were even empowered to deliver a 15-minute insight presentation to more than 150 colleagues at the BMO marketing town hall meeting.

Why should a high school student choose to apply to the Management Co-op program at U of T Scarborough? 

The mindset and skill set I developed through Management Co-op are the cornerstone for achieving my goals. While the program offers invaluable resources, it’s also the flexibility and the connections I built on campus that helped me advance in my career. Being involved in Management student clubs, where I dedicated all four years of my degree, exemplifies the unique and standout elements of the BBA program.

Advice for future co-op students? 

Be creative, stay resilient, and never underestimate the impact of any opportunity.

The tagline of the Management program is Experience to Lead. What does that mean to you? 

It underscores the importance of hands-on experience, insights, knowledge, and potential community contributions. These elements are what truly matter and shape who we can become—more than a prestigious title could.

Management Awards