Work Term Excellence Award: William Choi

Portrait of William Choi

“Be an exceptional team player.”

– William Choi, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Specialist in Information Technology (Co-op) candidate, University of Toronto Scarborough
Congratulations to William, recipient of a Management Co-op Work Term Excellence Award for his contributions at RBC in Summer 2023!
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What was the most innovative project you worked on at RBC, and what were your key learnings?

During my co-op work term as a Technical Systems Analyst, I developed an in-house quality assurance automation tool that helped regulate front-end and back-end regressions testing suites. Upon completing the project, I was able to successfully automate 90% of the processes for an end-to-end testing flow and showcase my work to my team as well as the VP and his senior team. The sense of achievement I felt was unforgettable and I was able to recognize the lasting impact of my work. My key takeaways from this are to always seek opportunities for enhancing efficiency, and to keep an open mind when it comes to small setbacks because those are huge opportunities for further learning.

Why is the Management Co-op program at U of T Scarborough the right fit for you? 

I was always interested in business and technology. The U of T Scarborough Management program offers its unique specialization in IT, which gave me the opportunity to delve deeper into areas I am truly passionate about. In addition, the BBA curriculum encouraged me to explore different areas of specialization during my first year of study, which allowed me to discover and learn about various career pathways. Studying here at U of T Scarborough has given me the opportunities to develop lifelong skills, connect with remarkable people, and gain a deeper understanding of my own interests.

What are your career goals? 

After graduation, I plan to pursue a career as a software developer, with the ultimate ambition of possibly managing my own product someday. The business and computer science knowledge that I’ve acquired from the Management and IT program, combined with the skills and insights from my work terms, will enable and guide me towards achieving my goals.

Advice for future students? 

Always maintain a strong willingness to learn and be an exceptional team player; these qualities are key to success in the workplace. Rather than be afraid of failure and mishaps, embrace them as a natural process of growth and learning! By putting yourself out there, you’ll gain a better understanding of your aspirations and open doors.

Management Awards