Empowering The Next Generation: UTSC Students Enhance IITS Operations and Their Careers

At IITS, we recognize the value of sharing the stories of those who work behind our operations, particularly the significant contributions of our student employees. Through these stories, we aim to highlight how integrating students into our workforce not only enhances our service delivery but also plays a crucial role in the personal and professional development of these young talents.

“Student employees help us bring in a fresh perspective and sometimes innovative ideas that enhance our development. We utilize this potential while also ensuring to provide mentorship and development opportunities during their time with us,” said Sergio Santilli, Manager, Application Development at IITS.

For students, IITS is an opportunity to gain essential workplace etiquette and customer service experience, both skills that are critical for their career growth. “We have FTE (full-time equivalent) staff at IITS who started as student employees. We have always tapped into the student network whenever possible. This approach helps us offer better services throughout the community while also helping students prepare for real-life experiences,” added Abdulrauf Gehani, Manager, Client Services.

Here are the stories of three of our student employees—past and present—that highlight the mutually beneficial relationship between IITS and our student workforce.

From Lab to Tech: Alliah's journey through IITS

An image of Alliah Kennedy
Alliah Kennedy

When Alliah Kennedy first arrived in Canada from Jamaica in 2021, all she hoped for was to find a job that would allow her to acclimate to a new country and university life. A molecular biology and biotechnology student at the University of Toronto, Scarborough, Alliah marked her first official employment in Canada by landing a role at IITS as an IT Student Helpdesk Assistant. Three years later, her journey at IITS has been nothing short of transformative. From helping her come out of her introverted shell, the student help desk job helped her to engage confidently with peers while also pushing her to consider a future in IT while she prepares for her MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). “The early days were quite challenging. The job was much more than a straightforward customer service job. While my initial tasks like responding to student queries and day-to-day issues seemed simple, I quickly realized that the role demanded much more,” said Alliah. During her time at IITS, Alliah contributed to significant projects like the campus-wide upgrade of computer labs, giving her a deep dive into the physical and software aspects of IT and a learning opportunity to understand the infrastructure that supports academic environments.

Alliah’s learning curve was steep; from spending the first few months absorbing information, remembering protocols and applying them in real-time scenarios to progressing into handling complex issues and troubleshooting with ease, the job not only taught her technology but also patience, adaptability and the ability to listen to understand and not just to respond. “This role was more than a job; it was a pivotal stepping stone in my life’s journey. The supportive environment at IITS and with the guidance of my supervisor, Jason Holtz, I feel prepared and drawn to the problem-solving and innovative aspects of technology,” added Alliah.

As she approaches graduation, here’s Alliah’s advice to future student workers: Do not be discouraged by a lack of experience in IT tools or technology. The role is about learning. Approach it with an open mind and readiness to learn and you will find opportunities for growth.

Microscopes to Microphones: Bonnie's career shift

An image of Bonnie
Zhi Qi Bonnie Huang

Zhi Qi Bonnie Huang ventured into IITS during her time at the University of Toronto, Scarborough, studying biochemistry and neuroscience with a minor in applied statistics. Initially drawn to IITS purely out of a need for employment during the COVID-19 pandemic, Bonnie mass-applied to various positions to land a job as a web option videographer at IITS, a role that marked the beginning of her unexpected career in IT.

With a keen interest in web-based learning tools—resources she heavily relied on as a student—Bonnie’s role transitioned to AV support as the campus started reopening post-pandemic. The challenge she encountered was not just a technical learning curve but also managing a heavy academic workload alongside her responsibilities at IITS. Despite having no prior experience in AV, she thrived in this hands-on and technically demanding role, with constant support from colleagues, particularly fellow AV students and staff members Steve Biordi, William (Bill) Pollex and Michael Briggs (Mike), while balancing her intensive laboratory work, tutorials and a vibrant social life. “The guidance I received from my colleagues helped me expand my career vision and ambitions. They were always available and also encouraged me to explore opportunities beyond the university setting,” said Bonnie. 

Bonnie is now a full-time employee and is involved in overseeing major AV upgrades and transforming conventional rooms into state-of-the-art video conferencing spaces at University College at St. George. “I have always been a timid person, but my time at IITS boosted my confidence in communicating with professors and staff. I think that is my biggest takeaway. I am now able to make key decisions independently in my new role while managing significant projects that require both technical and managerial skills,” added Bonnie. 

Bonnie’s focus is on embracing life’s challenges and opportunities, driven by the desire to grow both professionally and personally. When asked what her advice for future student employees might be, here’s what she had to say: Do not hesitate. Take on opportunities and expand your professional networks. Bonnie’s journey from a student employee with no background in IT to a full-time employee underscores the importance of not limiting oneself to predefined paths."

Blending Human Insights with Tech Skills: Chris's path to IT

An image of Chris
Christopher (Chris) Persaud

Christopher (Chris) Persaud’s interest in technology was not new; it had been a part of him since his high school days, often making him the go-to tech person among friends and family. With a keen interest in photography and videography, Chris began his journey in AV (audio-visual), volunteering at his local church during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping them develop their live streaming technology. A mental health student at the University of Toronto, Scarborough, Chris’s entry into IITS was through an encounter with an IITS technician at a university event. This meeting led to a job in classroom support, marking the beginning of his career in IT.

Currently employed full-time by the Temetry Faculty of Medicine as an AV and Tech Support Specialist, Chris joined IITS in December 2022, where he was responsible for supporting professors, managing technology during university events and investigating various issues with classroom technology. “Balancing my mental health studies and this role in AV was quite challenging. While I did learn the intricacies of classroom technologies and was also part of the very early stages of AuRA, I’m most grateful for the soft skills this job offered. My role at IITS helped enhance my ability to interact with faculty and staff and better understand the human element in every tech issue. I made it my mission to validate a problem and not to dismiss any issues that come to me,” said Chris.

Chris speaks highly of the mentorship and support received from IITS, particularly from Blake Markle, the Classroom Support team and colleagues like Steve Biordi. While Blake played a crucial role in supporting Chris harness his potential and take responsibility for his growth, Steve exemplified the qualities of a supportive coworker, providing guidance about IT support and how the university functioned. This fresh graduate remains hopeful about continuing his career in IT and is all set to explore further certifications to enhance his IT skill sets. “I feel the job at IITS is more than just a stepping stone; it is a platform for growth both professionally and personally and I encourage future student employees to view this as a significant learning opportunity that will prepare you for future challenges in any career path,” added Chris.

For those inspired by the stories of our student employees and interested in exploring opportunities at UTSC’s IITS, we encourage you to visit UofT’s Career & Co-Curricular Learning Network for job postings. Whether you’re looking to gain valuable work experiences, apply your academic knowledge in a real-world setting or contribute fresh ideas to our projects, IITS offers a supportive environment to grow professionally and personally. Watch this space, we have more stories to share!

Contact IT support

If you have timely or urgent request, you can call us or submit a ticket on ServiceNow or visit us in person at one of the locations below.

Service Desk



Hours of Operation

In person and remote

  • Monday to Friday - 8:45 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Saturday and Sunday - Closed

Student Help Desk



Hours of Operation

In person and remote

  • Monday to Friday - 8:45 AM to 10:00 PM
  • Saturday - 8:45 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Sunday - 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Classroom and AV Support



Hours of Operation

In person only

  • Monday to Thursday - 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM
  • Friday - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Saturday and Sunday - Closed