The Plumptre Lecture: Prof. Jean de Bettignies

The Plumptre Lecture

On May 23, join Prof. Jean de Bettignies, recipient of the 2023/24 Wynne and Beryl Plumptre Research Award, to discuss his innovative research surrounding the implications of how firms report on corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Engagement in CSR activities has surged in recent years, with sustainability reporting now commonplace among the world’s largest companies; however, research reveals discrepancies between firms’ claims and actual practices. Studies have uncovered significant differences in reported greenhouse gas emissions versus actual figures, and widespread false or misleading environmental claims on products. Even major corporations have been found to exaggerate their progress on CSR initiatives.

In this talk, Prof. de Bettignies will explore how such inaccuracies in reporting could lead to inefficient resource allocation—thereby impacting consumers, workers, and investors—as well as potential strategies to encourage honesty in reporting CSR efforts.

Join us for an illuminating discussion, open to all U of T faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community.

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Learn more about the Plumptre Faculty Research Fellowship

Date and Time: -
Location: Instructional Centre (IC) Room 304, 1095 Military Trail, University of Toronto Scarborough